Privacy policy

Processing of Personal Data 

We care about your privacy. You should be able to feel safe when you entrust us with your personal data. Therefore, we have established this policy. It is based on applicable data protection legislation and clarifies how we work to protect your rights and your privacy.  

The purpose of this policy is to inform you about how we process your personal data, what we use them for, who may access them and under what conditions, and how you can exercise your rights. 

We are Data Controllers 

Nordiqus with organization number 559406-8313 is responsible for the personal data processed about you. Nordiqus is therefore the data controller for your personal data. 

Why do we process personal data about you? 

Nordiqus processes your personal data to provide you with our services and products, i.e., only to enter into or fulfill an agreement with you as a customer. 

What information do we collect about you – and why? 

Nordiqus aims to process as few personal data as possible about you. This means that we do not collect more personal data than necessary to enter into or fulfill an agreement with you. To enter into and fulfill an agreement with you, we need information about your first name, last name, email address, address, and other contact details. We do not have access to your personal data in any other way than through your provision of the information to us. 

If you have not given us your consent, we will not use your personal data for marketing purposes. 


Nordiqus’ website uses small text files, known as cookies, to facilitate your browsing on the site. We use the following cookies: 

  • Permanent cookies. Permanent cookies are stored as small text files on your computer and are deleted on a specific date. They are used, for example, to store settings that the user makes between different visits to the website.
  • Session cookies. Session cookies are stored in the browser’s memory and are deleted when the browser is closed. They can be used, for example, to maintain a login when the user moves from one page to another. We simply use session cookies to enhance the user experience on
  • Cookies for statistics. Analytical cookies that allow us to recognize and count visitors and see how visitors navigate when using the website. We use tools from Google to analyze our traffic.
  • Cookies for marketing. Cookies linked to Nordiqus’ marketing, allowing visitors to be reached by our digital advertising. We have cookies from LinkedIn.

Cookie Settings. If you do not want your computer to receive and store cookies, you can adjust the security settings in your browser. Some parts of may only be fully used if your browser allows cookies. You can read more about Cookies at the Post and Telecom Authority. 


Tracking, through so-called pixels, is a method to “follow” visitors to a website so that your online behavior can influence the advertisements you see. We use tracking so that those who have shown interest in Nordiqus by visiting our site can also receive digital advertising from Nordiqus. 

On Nordiqus’ website, there are pixels from: 

  • LinkedIn. To allow us to target advertising on LinkedIn to the IP addresses that have visited our website. Nordiqus does not identify individuals or their actions on LinkedIn. Read more about how LinkedIn processes data.
  • Google. We use Google Analytics to analyze and develop Nordiqus’ website. We anonymize IP addresses to prevent them from being linked to individuals.

How do we protect your personal data? 

Your security is important to us. Therefore, we have implemented appropriate technical, organizational, and administrative security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access and other unauthorized processing. We regularly analyze and evaluate these measures to ensure the security of your data. 

Whom do we disclose your data to? 

We do not disclose your data to other companies or organizations unless required by law or necessary to fulfill our statutory or contractual obligations towards you. 

We may disclose your personal data to one of our collaborators, suppliers, or subcontractors, but only if necessary to fulfill our obligations towards you as a customer. We never disclose more personal data than necessary. 

When required by law, we may need to disclose your data to authorities and other organizations. We may also need to disclose your data if necessary to assert, establish, or monitor our legal claims. 

We never disclose your personal data to other companies or entities for marketing purposes. 

On what legal grounds do we process personal data about you? 

Nordiqus only processes the personal data we need to provide our services or deliver our products to you, i.e., when we enter into or fulfill an agreement with you. To the extent that we process additional data, we will obtain your consent or ensure that the processing is permitted on another legal basis. 

How long do we process your personal data? 

We keep data about you as a customer for the duration of the agreement with you and for a reasonable period thereafter. In most cases, this means that we do not retain your personal data for longer than one year from the termination of the agreement. However, under certain circumstances, we may keep your data for a longer period, for example, when required by law or when the data may be needed to assert, exercise, or monitor legal claims. 

Your Rights 

We reserve the right to take appropriate protective and security measures to ensure that you are who you claim to be when you contact us. If you cannot credibly prove your identity, we may not be able to fulfill your request. 

Access to Personal Data 

You have the right to know what personal data we process about you. If you want to know, you can receive a compiled register extract from us containing the personal data we process about you. 

Correction and Deletion 

If we process your personal data incorrectly or no longer need the data, you have the right to have them deleted. If the data is incomplete, you have the right to have it completed. Please note that we may not be able to provide our services to you if you request the deletion of your personal data. 

Data Portability 

Under certain circumstances, you have the right to receive the data we process about you in a general, written, machine-readable, and structured format. You are entitled to this regarding the personal data that you have provided to us and that we process with your consent or when the data is required to enter into or fulfill an agreement with you. 

Limitation of Processing 

Under certain conditions, you have the right to request that we limit our processing of your data. This means that we mark the data so that in the future, we only process it for certain specific purposes. We may not be able to provide you with our services if we restrict the processing of your personal data. 

Right to Object 

You have the right to object to the processing of personal data carried out for the purpose of performing a task of public interest, as part of official authority, or based on a legitimate interest. We do not process your personal data for any of these purposes or based on any of these grounds. Therefore, you cannot object to our processing under this basis. 

Right to Lodge a Complaint 

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Datainspektionen) if you believe that we are processing your personal data incorrectly. You can read more about this on the Swedish Data Protection Authority’s website  


You can contact us at any time by writing to [email protected] if you want to know more about how we process your personal data.